Goodbye 2023 & hello 2024

Just a quick issue to sign off on the year, and offer a glimpse of our plans for 2024. It’s going to be awesome!

Our last Guild Wednesday for the year turned out to be a combination of all sorts. It was supposed to be equipment audit and clean up. Well the kitchen had a dyeing session in full swing, there was some lovely weaving on show, plus needlework cross-stitch. Heather had brought a variety of notes on types of dyeing with food colouring and jellies, there were discussions on other types of dyeing, and natural dyes. A practice run if you like for our traditional dye workshops for the New Year.

However cleanup did proceed despite the distractions. Thank you to those brave souls. I’m sure we will appreciate your efforts when we start back in 2024.

Back to business. This issue includes updates for the morning tea roster and 2024 workshops program circulated at the meeting. This is preliminary and subject to change and updates. Our last meeting for the year also included our last Show & Tell for 2023, and a yummy morning tea …

Cheers all,
KathyW, Editor.

Current & upcoming events

January 10thCasual Workday starting with a clean up to remove
residue from the insect “bombs”.
January 17thCasual Workday - Come and spin and hear
what we need to do in preparation
for Dyeing at the end of the month.
January 24thCasual Workday - Come and do your own thing!
January 31stWorkshop - Dyeing Day!!!
"Dye or Be Alive 😉 "
February 7thCasual Workday
February 14thBusiness Meeting

Committee 2023 – 2024

Deb Carpenter

Vice President:
Jane Manning

Minute Officer:
Ella Teuben

Amanda Eaton

Assistant Secretary:
 Julie Hofer

 Rhonda Delahoy

Assistant Treasurer:
Julie Hofer

Newsletter Editor:
Kathy Wheeler

Library Equipment Officer:
Rhonda Delahoy/Heather Mulqueeney

Social Media Officer:
Kathy Wheeler

Public Officer:
Julie Hofer

KeyHolders Roster
Wednesday Work Days and Meetings

1st Wed of month – Amanda
2nd Wed of month – Deb Carpenter
3rd Wed of month – Rhonda
4th Wed of month – Louise Quirk
5th Wed of month *IF* there is one – tba

The Showground Trust also has keys.

Morning Tea Roster 2024 – Business Meetings
14th FebruaryJudith/
13th March
10th AprilRhonda/
8th MayHeather M / (Deb)
12th JuneJulie/Jane
10th JulyHeather A /
14th AugustLouise/Kathy
11th SeptemberElla/Jill
9th OctoberJudith Jones
13th NovemberAmanda
11th DecemberEveryone bring a plate!!!

Show & Tell - 13th DECEMBER 2023

Heather M



Christmas Morning Tea 2023





Fleecy Follies

Alpacas LOVE to do this to us!!

Rule of thumb – belly to the sun equals sun-baking, not dead!

Alpacas evolved in a harsh environment and can suffer from vitamin D deficiency. One behaviour they employ to increase their own vitamin D stores is sun-baking with their bellies, where their fleece covering is at its thinnest, facing the sun.

It can be an alarming habit, especially when there is a field full of flat alpacas.

I stopped this recording a few seconds too soon – Miharo turned back to look at me and hummed an annoyed “bah-humbug” at me for disturbing her slumbers.

Merry Christmas & Happy New Year

From all the fleecies and fur-babies – may the weather be kind, all travels safe, and we’ll bring you more stories and fleeces in 2024!

Please note: this is a work in progress!

2024 preliminary Program

January 10thCasual Workday starting with a clean up to remove
residue from the insect “bombs”.
January 17thCasual Workday - Come and spin and hear
what we need to do in preparation
for Dyeing at the end of the month.
January 24thCasual Workday - Come and do your own thing!
January 31stWorkshop - Dyeing Day!!! "Dye or Be Alive 😉 "
February 7thCasual Workday
February 14thBusiness Meeting
February 21st
Casual Workday
February 28thCasual Workday
March 6thCasual Workday
March 13thBusiness meeting
March 20thCasual Workday
March 27thWorkshop - Trauma Teddies, Charity Animals. With Deb.
April 3rdCasual Workday
April 10thBusiness Meeting
April 17thCasual Workday
April 24thEntralac Workshop. Crochet with Julie, knitting with T.B.A.
May 1stCasual Workday
May 8thBusiness Meeting
May 15thCasual Workday
May 18th & 19thCanberra Wool Expo, old Bus depot Markets
May 22ndWorkshop - Rigid Heddle - colour & weave. With Heather.
May 29thCasual Workday
June 5thCasual Workday
June 12thBusiness Meeting
June 19thCasual Workday
June 26thWorkshop - equipment & fiber sorting
July 3rdCasual Workday
July 10thBusiness Meeting followed by annual clean-up
July 19th – 21stAustralian Sheep & Wool Show (Bendigo)
July 17thCasual Workday
July 24thWorkshop - Christmas in July Decorations
- Needle felted decorations with Kathy
- Paper Star with Julie.
July 31stCasual Workday
August 7thCasual Workday
August 14thAGM, Business Meeting & Guild’s Birthday
August 21stCasual Workday
August 28thWorkshop T.B.A.
September 4thCasual Workday
September 11thBusiness Meeting
September 18thCasual Workday
September 25thWorkshop T.B.A.
October 2ndCasual Workday
October 9thBusiness Meeting
October 16thCasual Workday
October 23thCasual Workday
October 30thPossible closure for Albury Show?
November 7thPossible closure for Albury Show?
November 13thBusiness Meeting
November 20thCasual Workday
November 27thLavender Wands with Kathy
November 29thCasual Workday
December 4thCasual Workday
December 11thBusiness Meeting, Christmas Lunch
December 18thClean up workday?
More Workshop IdeasTatting with Heather M's sister?
Inkle Loom Weaving?
Online weaving workshop with Elizabeth Calnan?

Last words ...

A few housekeeping items:
1 – Some members have been getting spam type emails saying they are coming from Guild members. If anyone gets a suspicious looking message, do not open it or any links within it.
2 – Please do not park in front of the Guild’s side double doors. This could cause a problem in the case of an emergency. Please park in the undercover area well clear of the doors and grandstand stairs, or on the grass area.
3 – The drain area outside the Guild door that fills up with water when it rains is becoming DANGEROUS with one of our members slipping in the mud and algae growing there. PLEASE KEEP WELL CLEAR OF THE DRAIN AND MUD even when it appears dry!

Newsletter contributions are always welcome. So, if anyone has anything they want to contribute, or requests for articles, email me!

Cheers for now,

KathyW, Ed.