2020 Hindsight


2020 … the year that never was …

Does anyone else feel 2020 was a bit of a blur? Like a bad memory you want to forget?

Australia dodged the Coronavirus bullet, but it came at a cost.

We at the Guild saw our regular meetings and workshops cancelled. Face-to-face meetings became a virtual experience with those lucky enough to have internet connections.

Although we started 2020 with cautious optimism, it quickly became obvious that things could not continue as “normal”.

As many of our members were in what was considered “high risk” categories, everyone agreed the best way forward was the conservative approach. Closing the Guild rooms, moving what we could on-line, keeping in touch via FaceBook and email.

Julie hosted Committee Meetings on Go To Meeting

Associated Guilds, facing similar challenges, scaled back their own activities. Newsletters and notices have been significantly reduced.

While 2021 has seen an opportunity to re-start activities, optimism is tinged with caution and the knowledge that rapid lock-downs are only few community transmission cases away.

Still “hope springs eternal”, and as the state and regional Shows slowly come back to life, and state borders remain open, activities slowly return, albeit with a post-Covid flavour.

We hope that in this new year, with a freshly invigorated team at the helm, the Guild will emerge from this trying time with a renewed energy and enthusiasm. After all, we’ve had plenty of time to rest and recuperate!